Five things companies wish they knew before applying for an E2 visa

Five things companies wish they knew before applying for an E2 visa

Hydra Consulting
8 min. čtení

Like with any type of visa there will always be a list of necessary requirements and fees that you need to be aware of. The E2 visa is no exception. You will need to gather, scan and copy documents pertaining to who you are and what your business is about. Learn more about the E2 visa for investors here.

As you put together your paperwork, it can be easy to forget essential elements that will help your business succeed. We’ve compiled five key components for success into an easy-to-remember checklist so that they stay on your radar throughout the visa process:

Don’t underestimate the minimum investment criteria for an E2 visa

Even though there isn’t an official minimum investment requirement per se, we recommend that you invest at least $70,000 to $100,000 into your US market expansion. Why? It shows the US government that you are a serious venture with long-term intentions.

If you’ve already acquired a new client or clients in the US or conducted any type of research, make sure to note this effort. Also, remember that connected expenses are part of your minimum investment with expenditures on your visa and travel counting.

Added up, the proof of your active business in the US — which has to generate more income than just enough to provide for the E2 visa holder and their family — and your intentions of making the expansion a success become clear.

Do your research

We’ve found that it’s always best to build on your strengths and highlight your uniqueness. After all, there is no business like yours. Conducting proper market research and having business representation on the ground can play an essential role in selling your services, especially in a B2B environment.

Another integral requirement of the E2 visa submission process is to provide an initial five-year business plan covering the US market expansion.

We have the capability and experience to get this plan right including market and competitor analysis, financial projections, and the economic benefit to the US economy. You focus on your business and we do your research for you making sure that the resulting plan conforms to the standards of your local US embassy.

Conducting proper market research and having business representation on the ground can play an essential role in selling your services, especially in a B2B environment.

Hire local sales representative(s)

Do not underestimate the importance of hiring employees in the United States and having local, skilled sales representative(s) on board. Many of our clients were apprehensive at first — expecting to rely on their existing sales channels, but they quickly realized that in the long run, this investment pays for itself and opens more doors.

Don’t be too European, embrace America’s culture and way of work early and your American customers will be all the more happy for your decision.

Embrace America’s culture and way of work early and your American customers will be all the more happy for your decision.

Extend your E2 visa on time

The E2 visa is issued for an initial five-year period and can then be extended in two-year increments, although the local Embassy sometimes extends the visa for another five years. It’s important to know that the US immigration offices don’t state a time limit for reviewing your renewal request.

The rule of thumb is to give yourself at least five months before your visa validity runs out. It’s also important to remember that while your E2 visa was initially issued based on your expertise, when extending it you have to demonstrate that your business is now thriving and compare it to the original business plan you submitted.

Know the art of filling out the E2 visa form

This might sound too basic to even mention, but you would be surprised how much time and money can be spent filling out the right forms correctly. For example, the DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application Form has 10 sections and will take 60 to 90 minutes to complete and has to be done by you.

We are here to provide you with the needed guidance and our immigration lawyer always reviews your answers before final submission.

Více o Hydra Consulting

Hydra Consulting nabízí komplexní zastoupení pro evropské firmy, které se chystají expandovat na americký trh. Zajišťujeme vše od založení společnosti, daní, HR i víz.

Naše zkušenosti a znalosti s podnikáním na americkém trhu chceme snadno a srozumitelně předávat dál. Těší nás, když naši klienti dosahují svých cílů, a rádi pomůžeme i vám.

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